Late diagnosis of tuberculosis and central nervous system infection


Palabras clave:

central nervous system, delayed diagnosis, miliary tuberculosis


Dear Chief Editor,

The migratory phenomenon in Latin America has significantly increased in recent decades, especially in Brazil and Chile. The frequent vulnerability of many of these migrants constitutes a major concern related to potential risks of emerging and re-emerging diseases. This is due to the poverty situation and the lack of resources for public health care, and current imported cases of measles from Venezuela are a major example of this social burden. Imported cases may increase the challenges related to the control of transmissible infections. In this scenery, pulmonary tuberculosis plays a main role among the communicable diseases. Chilean authors have properly suggested the utilization of basic screening of tuberculosis in migrants from countries of elevated prevalence, aiming to employ early treatment and to prevent infections associated with late diagnosis of an index case (Alarcón & Balcells, 2017).


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Biografía del autor/a

Vitorino Modesto dos Santos, Armed Forces Hospital and Catholic University of Brasília

Adjunct-professor, Internal Medicine Department

Lister Arruda Modesto dos Santos, Surgery Department of State Workers Hospital, São Paulo-SP

Preceptor of General Surgery


Alarcón V. Y & Balcells ME. (2017). Enfermedades infecciosas y migración. Una responsabilidad compartida. Ars Medica, Revista de ciencias médicas 42, 4-6.

Dos Santos VM & Dos Santos LAM. (2017). Miliary tuberculosis: the role of necropsy studies. Infez Med 25,162-165.

Dos Santos VM & Dos Santos LAM. (2018). Tuberculosis and bullous emphysema in childhood: autopsy data. Acta Scient Med Sciences 2, 79-81.

Meregildo Rodriguez ED. (2018). Central nervous system tuberculosis following delayed and initially missed lung miliary tuberculosis: a case report. Infez Med 26, 270-275.




Cómo citar

dos Santos, V. M., & dos Santos, L. A. M. (2019). Late diagnosis of tuberculosis and central nervous system infection. ARS MEDICA Revista De Ciencias Médicas, 44(2), 4–5. Recuperado a partir de



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